Middle (High-Density) Housing - Testimony Closed, Deliberation Begins.

Update: March 25, 2021. Cover Sheet for the Special Meeting to continue deliberations.

More video clips and discussion at Engage on Facebook.

Video explanation that this is NOT affordable housing.

On March 15 the process of developing a “Middle Housing” code for Hood River continued. Video available at Engage Media on YouTube

The two primary public concerns continue to be off-street parking requirements for these high-density developments (as acknowledged by Mayor McBride), and that this code is not focused on workforce or affordable housing.

Here is some of what happened:

  • 19 People spoke of their support and concerns, including those related to process

  • Public Testimony was closed - no future public comment allowed (Haynie voted against closing testimony)

  • Deliberation began - discussion by Council and crafting of final code language

  • One parking space per dwelling unit agreed upon

  • Councilor Haynie has proposed an amendment to guarantee future review

  • Hearing continued to March 29 - meeting stopped after 4 hours

The reason “process” is of some concern is that it has not been without controversy. If you are interested in exploring some of that, you can pursue the links below.

There are some good things contained in the proposed code. It should be emphasized that this won’t encourage workforce or affordable housing, in the way that most public commenters understand those housing types to have been defined. Impacts on parking and “multi-modal” transportation systems have not been calculated. In fact, as explained by Planning Director, Dustin Nilsen “Middle Housing” language was used specifically to protect this code from usual Transportation Planning Rules (TPR). “Middle Housing” is exempted by State law from TPR rules.

The description of the video on the Engage Media YouTube channel includes time stamps of different parts of the video. Even though public testimony is closed, it is always possible to send an email to the Mayor or City Council.

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