Engage the Gorge

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School Board at Large Candidate Questions and Answers

Engage reached out to the contested School Board race and asked the same three questions. Here are their answers below

What do you feel you can bring to the board that is under represented or not currently represented?

Heidi Parr:

Although experience is a valuable asset, I believe I can bring new ideas and a fresh outlook to the board.  Also, as a member of my local firefighter’s union, I believe I can bridge the gap between the hardworking school employees and our hardworking parents.  As a fire captain I am experienced in making difficult decisions under pressure.  As a firefighter I have had the unique experience of seeing firsthand how closed schools and quarantines during the pandemic have trapped vulnerable kids in horrible conditions. 

Jen Kelly:

I don’t think that parents and the community always have complete information as to the direction the district moves/ is moving. The public is often surprised, and learns about major changes after they have occurred. An example of this was doing away with the F grade at the High School level as part of the covid emergency response. In general, I believe that views which may be contrary to the direction of district administration are underrepresented at the board level. I think I can help push to ensure that all sides of a given issue are heard and represented.

What do you feel needs to be immediately addressed within the district?

Heidi Parr:

The district should refocus on core curriculum and getting our kids safely back into full-time school and sports as quickly as possible. I believe the district needs to rally to support ALL students and commit to helping each learner reach their potential. Excellence for every kid, every day.

Jen Kelly:

I’d like to focus attention on rigorous academic standards for kids and remove distractions (for teachers and kids) that preclude focus on academics. I believe that kids at all levels and abilities are more motivated to learn when they are challenged.

Do you have digital marketing you’d like to share (social media, website)?

Heidi Parr:

www.heidiparr.com and www.facebook.com/heidiparrHRCSB

Jen Kelly:
